Get ready to be blown away by the power of visual note-taking.
Maybe you won’t literally drop everything to dive into visual note-taking. But after reading this research, you’re definitely going to be interested and eager to start!
A Little Bit of Background…
If you’ve been here before, you know quite a bit about the amazing benefits of visual note-taking. If you’re new, here’s what you need to know:
Visual note-taking is the process of taking notes using hand drawn images mixed with words. It helps us to synthesize ideas and information non-linguistically, and organize everything in a visual way.
It turns out that sketching or doodling while taking notes takes just enough brainpower to keep you from zoning out or daydreaming, but not enough to be a distraction.
This means that doodling (or sketching) actually INCREASES your focus and attention while you listen or learn.
Whether they like it or not, your students are going to be taking notes for quite some time! So, teaching them how to visually take notes, now, is a skill that will have important benefits in not only your class, but in years to come.
But That’s Not All…
Visual note taking doesn’t just improve your students’ focus and attention; it is actually proven to greatly improve retention and memory!
When you incorporate sketching and doodling with words, you use both hemispheres of the brain. Whenever you achieve a crossover between the left side (logical) and right side (artsy) of the brain, learning is enhanced.
Let’s Get Down To It!
Here at Doodle Notes, we’ve gathered a few pieces of research about visual note-taking and doodling in the classroom and wanted to share them with you!
It’s not uncommon for teachers to think students doodling in class aren’t paying attention. This article shows why that’s just not true! Doodling and sketching have powerful benefits.
Some of you could run into resistance if you’re trying to get your students to draw, (one reason why Doodle Notes are awesome- the visuals are already there for them! They just add to the page). However, drawing abilities aren’t important and this post explains why!
‘When you start taking visual notes, you go beyond merely regurgitating information, and instead process and reframe information in your own language’ This post spells out the awesome advantages of visual note-taking!
This article explains why doodling and sketching aren’t just for artistic people. Some even argue these actions are integral to literacy!
What’s going on in our brains when we doodle or draw? A journalist from NPR lays it all out.
What if I told you drawing improves memory significantly better than other strategies, like writing, reading, or visualization? Would you believe that drawing boosts memory by nearly doubling it? Teachers: take advantage!
This scholarly article is perfect for anyone who wishes to dive deeper into the dual coding phenomenon.
Our students run into problems everyday and will continue to do so throughout their lives. Read about how doodling can become a seriously amazing strategy for any problem!
What better way to spend your summer than to learn (in a fun, relaxing way) about how to implement visual note-taking to benefit your students next year?
Doodle Notes are a perfect way for you to implement visual note-taking in a quick, easy, and engaging way!
They are color-it-in doodle-friendly note sheets that take advantage of a collection of brain research. Visit our Quick Start Guide here.
We also have a Private Facebook group, Doodle Notes Teacher Network, where we help each other navigate the world of doodle notes. Click here to join!
Do you see benefits in your students doodling?